When I am not working I am enjoying life and trying to travel and shop as much as possible. I also like to browse the internet or cookbooks trying to find yummy recipes for me and G to enjoy with a bottle of good wine accurately selected by G.
I spend my days dreaming about cities, beaches, hills, delicious food and cool clothes. I also have a passion for sitcoms, travelogues and thrillers.
The Traveling Foodie began in May 2011 to catalog my travel experiences. I have always had a passion for travels and since I have always been asked for travel suggestions by my friends I thought that through The Traveling Foddie I could do that, also for other people looking for suggestions on hotels, restaurants, books, wines or even quick recipes. This is also a space to write about my other interests and try to organize some of the thoughts in my head. I have found a great way of expressing myself and feeling useful through this blog.
I am not a photographer so don't expect the images you see in this blog to be the best, I just recently bought a decent camera and will try to get the most out of it to improve my photographs.
I am not a cook, in fact, until a few years ago I didn't even know how to fry an egg so keep in mind that my recipes are simple and easy, but very tasty :)
Thanks for reading!
Check my pins on Pinterest!

You can contact me at: mar@tfoodie.com
I am the author of the content that can be found here within (with some exceptions which will be clearly credited), any of the opinions expressed here are my own and are a result of the way in which my somewhat disfunctional mind interprets a particular situation and or concept.
I do not have agreements of any kind with the places (like hotels, restaurants, shops, etc.) or the producers of items featured in this blog, unless clearly stated.
Were I to accidentally defame, humiliate and or hurt someone's person or feelings as a result of them reading and or acting upon any or all of the information and or advice found here at my site, it is entirely unintentional of me to do so. Should you (the reader) identify any such content that is harmful, malicious, sensitive or unnecesary, I request that you contact me via email so I may rectify the problem.
The Traveling Foodie is not a journal as it is updated without any periodicity. Therefore,. it can't be considered as an editorial product under the Italian Law n.62, 07/03/2001.